I've been playing around on my Pi3 to figure out what works and such, and have quickly discovered my 32 GB MicroSD card isn't nearly large enough.
I'm probably going to get 128 GB MicroSD cards for my Pi 3's (though if I see a good enough deal on a 256 GB card...), but I'm trying to figure out how much space I'll need for my Pi 0, and I have one question (because I don't have a second microSD to use for the Zero to test things out atm).
I know that the Pi 0 will probably be more limited with the SNES games, because the SNES apparently needs a 3GHz processor to perfectly emulate, but are there any similar limitations for the GBA?
I know in actual technical capabilities the GBA is better than the SNES, but it is also much newer, so not sure if the same kind of hardware emulation issues would hinder GBA emulation.